This can get a little tricky. There are three ways to receive financing for buying real estate in Belize:
- 1) local financing
- 2) offshore financing
- 3) owner financing
Local financing – Local interest rates are usually in the range of 10-18% interest with fixed terms of only 12 months. Every year the loan is closed out and then renewed at the current lending rate. Local borrowing is only permitted in Belize dollars, and because many Belize real estate transactions take place with U.S. dollars, local financing is not applicable in many cases. However …
Offshore financing – Non-residents can borrow U.S. dollars through a Belizean offshore banking institution. Effective interest rates are around 12% and most offshore banks require a high degree of collateralization.
Owner financing – Belize property owners usually agree to property financing at 10-15% interest. The rate is negotiable and often less than what is available at local financial institutions.